Pemasanga barrier gate/palang otomatis diseluruh Indonesia. Bergaransi!
BL 229 Toll

Barrier Gate Toll

BL 229 Toll

The BL 229 Highway barrier is the fast version of the BL229, dedicated to highway toll applications.

As an answer to customer demand, Automatic Systems integrated various safety/security options to the barrier: boom swing-off device, Protecta (carbon fiber), boom with automatic reseating…


  • Toll roads, highways
  • High traffic industrial sites (shift changes)
BL 229 Toll dipasang di perumahan, apartemen, sekolah-sekolah, mall, supermarket, area permainan/wahana, pergudangan dan kawasan industri lainnya. Konsultasi dan produk, langsung hubungi kami sekarang juga.

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